Wednesday, November 12, 2008

People are people because they are miserables bastard

no matter how we look at our lives, we are never truly happy. even if you are happy about something like getting that bonus on your pay, or that girl you like actually likes you too, or even you winning a free car, theres always this part of yourselves that feels miserable. as i have come to notice, we never really get what we want, maybe its for the best, maybe its just not your fate to get it. why is it that we are destined to be miserable? its because if we are happy then we dont strive to do anything. we just sit on our ass and just enjoy it. but its much more enjoyable when we work for what we want, happiness comes from what we earn. but then again if we get what we wanted wont that just be easier?

nothings comes easy in this life, even when you are rich you wont feel totally happy, there the income tax to worry about, then about people asking you for money, or taking care of your money after you gone, will it be enough to finance your entire family, there is a never ending chains of question. some questions are stupid, but then some are concerned-wise, and some are just questions. these questions are the factor at making us miserables, they cloud our minds into thinking that we are never gonna achieve that super happy state. its kind of this sub concious mind thing that happen to us everyday. like me, these questions appear to me every time i open my eyes. but the questions in my life are different than the question that is in somebody else's mind. just trying to answer these question can bring you into total depression, maybe these are the things that causes some people to have psychological problem, maybe its not, but whatever it is, these questions that appear in our heads are hard to miss.

our lifes are about answering these question, different questions appear for different people with different lifestyles, but there are major questions that we all have in common. some of them are: will we ever be happy? when will we die? who is our true love? are we ever gonna be rich? no matter what you do you have to always work hard at what you are trying to achieve, and never ever give up even when theres doubt in your mind. because no matter what you do, theres always another day, after today.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why its called a present"

1 comment:

nsdahlia said...

a quote from kungfu panda....

salaam~ just stalking from one blog to another.

just wanna say that nobody can guarantee that there is tomorrow or another day. tomorrow may never come... nobody can even guarantee that today will last until 12 am...