Tuesday, January 6, 2009

reminds me of candy...

hey dudes and dudets, i did not know why i just used those words, but in any case i would like to point out that today is the 6th of january. which means its 4 more days until my birthday. unfortunately nobody seems to remember my birthday, which i think is bollocks(i do not know the meaning of this words, if anyone does tell me) or as i might call it in my native tounge "sialan celaka". and yes i do use these words to describe something crappy about me, or something crazy happening, or to some random dude that pissed me off while i'm driving.

yes, each and every year nobody ever remember my birthday, not my family, not my friends, and not those random friends on the internet. i really hate my birthday. maybe its because nobody remembers them, and that gets me so pissed off. maybe after i turned 18 this year, i might get pissed more often because nobody remembers that i'm 18. i always get the bad stuff and somehow i always get scolded for no apparent reason.

and as for something thats on my mind is that, i never had a girlfriend to spent my new year with, and because of that even during my birthday i dont have a girlfriend.. i mean come on, how sad is that? it really does sound sad, and it really does sound like i should go to an island or the island that the show LOST is filmed. or maybe i should stick with the possible like spend more days in my room playing video games, isolate myself from the outside world by never watching the news, never coming out of the room, and turning off my handphone, and to make it even worse i should only used flourescent lighting to make sure my eyes is really sensitive to the sunrays.

lastly, i want to play SNOOKER!!! i really miss that game. i was hoping to play it this weekend but nobody is coming back this week so its kind of a boar not bore, boar as in PIG... i'm starting to hate the beginning of this year, and if i hate the beginning i'll really hate the whole year. and i was wondering when is my life gonna be as good as it was in highschool, i miss hoghschool, the rules, the teachers, the friends, but not the uniform, i hated wearing uniform, but somehow i always look good wearing them....kidding...

i just done some video montage for highschool pictures of my class, and recalling back everything i saw, i really missed them... i really do..my friends, my old desk, my books, my drawing, my stupid ppencil, our class pranks, hating other kids, dissing other kids, and 'menyelak' (making fun) of some dude either from class or some other class but its usually me.....but i missed them...

"there is nothing new to me, i've seen them all, but you are out of this world, thats why i fell for you, and till my death bed, i always remember you..."

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