Thursday, October 9, 2008

Silent your phone you freaking idiot!!

handphones.. they are the most incredible thing that has ever been invented. they have helped me in a lot of way, mostly breaking up with a girl without having to face them, or asking them out, without being too socially awkward, and sudden choking. so it has helped me alot. and to whoever invented it is a real genius.

however, there are times that i really get pissed off at the freaking thing. these are the situations.

1. using handhone at the movies.

who wants to be disturbed when you're watching a great movie like Lord Of the Ring. it wasnt just during that time, but during any movie that i have seen. like theWineKone has said in his youtube video, there is always some freaking idiot who doesn't silent their phone when they are in side the cinema. seriously, they have this note showed before the start of any movie that specifically asked you to silent your phone! dumbass! silent you damn phone, you stupid jackass!

2. using the handphone freaking everywhere anywhere

i know you have a lot of credit in your phone, dont do this thing where you go everywhere and just carry the phone in your freaking hand because like every 2 or 3 minutes you'll get a text from someone you know. its freaking annoying. i have this cousin, who i call gay(AZZRA) and everywhere he go, he would usually get a text from someone. and when he goes out, you know what he spend most on? credits. i mean he spent about rm1000 per week just for the sake of credits. and he's not the only one, i also has this friend named Tony who's in Labuan's KML, and according to my other friend, he buys phone credits rm 30 every freaking day. thats a whole lot of money. i dont know whos he calling or texting, but i hate this behaviour. and there was also this girl that i used to date, she w agreed to go out with me, but when we were at this cafe eating, she was looking at her freaking phone the whole time, like i couldn't even finish a damn sentence before the next text would arrive. so i never saw her again, and when she actually did text me some other time, i ignored her number. and please for the love of god, dont text while you are walking , its a stupid idea, because when i went to the Spring last Saturday, there was this douchebag, who bumped into me while he was texting someone, and laughing like an idiot while reading the damn thing. he was angry at me for bumping into him. and i said what? and told him not to be a jackass and text while you're walking. isnt it obvious? i hate jackasses like that....

3. using your handphone while you're out with your friends or talking, or studying, or doing anything that requires attention.

dont ever if you are hanging out with me in particular use your damn phone too much. why use your phone to talk to someone when your friends are already there to talk to you, dumbass. sseriously, use your phone for emergency calls, dont ever text in front of me unless you want your phone to be usable for the next few days.. and when you are in class, or tuition class, please have the courtesy of not texting. it really bad enough that youre not paying attention, you're actually wasting youre time there. i have this friend who went to the same tuition class as me, but every week we meet, he would always buy a reload card before entering the class, and by the end of class, he would buy another one. and the class was merely 2 hours. and he bought like the rm50 credit. and i was so amazed by the way that he spent his money. unfortunately, everytime we went for a break, he would asked me to buy the Jantayu Burger for him, using my money..... what a douche.

seriously people, stop doing things like that that could really annoy people. and i know the reason why some people like to use the phone when they are hanging out with their friends, it may be because they hate their friends or they have no social skill at all. even i talk or socialize when i'm out with my friends, me, the guy that hates everything about my life, and spent most of my days locked up in my room. for me hanging out is the only thing that lets me socialize, that and going to class. and all the guys that i have mentioned before, have tons of friends, and all they do is text and call, and text and call more. such idiots are useless. and try not to comment me saying that i dont text to people because i dont have any friend, i have lots of friends, and i only text them when its important. why would i text them just so i could talk about games, or dating, or girls? maybe because i like to talk instead of texting, or i dont like wasting credits, i dont have any credits technicallly, since i'm a post-paid subscriber. so my words to all the idiots that have done this, or to people who have friends that does this, give a big slap to yourselves or your friends because chances arre you can still save them from becaoming a mindless texting zombies.

"I'm a lot like you so please Hello, I'm here, I'm waiting I think I'd be good for you and you'd be good for me I asked you to go to the Green Day concert You said you never heard of them How cool is that?? So I went to your room and read your diary: "watching Grunge leg-drop New-Jack trough presstable..." and then my heart stopped "listening to Cio-Cio San fall in love all over again.""

Weezer El-Scorcho

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