i've rarely thought about this......a girl has been in my head for more than one week......i dn't know why but she has somehow hypnotized me..how?.. i don't know but the more i try to forget her the more i would like to be with her....but she got her reason to not want to mbe with me....i've couldn't force her to like me..but i could try slowly to get her to like me.....somehow i don't think it would work....i've bumped in front of her at school many times but i could never say one single words to her....probably because my friends always said about her first...and i don't intend to say anything thats in my head, i always think before i say anything.....i'm really glad she's in the same school as me....that way i could see her everyday before SPm ends...she's really smart, cute and very2 interesting......i've never found anybody like her before, even in DD......she's not like everyone, maybe thats why i like her...she's weird...and thats why i really like her,i won't use the word "love" because i don't know how to define love ....its always different to everyone....like to some:
-love means you are ready to sacrifice for them
-love means ready to take chance
-love means have something common with someone
-love means that you always think of them
-love means you'll stay together through anything
-love is our feeling
mostly people that i know,aka my friends result love as lust, but i don't totaly agree with them...probably becuse i think there is no such thing as love....love is just a word....even if they are emotion, how can we express it? how can we be certain that everything we do is because of love, or because we care for someone, or just because we like them too much.....i have no say in it....love is up to all of us....we define the meaning of love ourselves......to me love is every meaning that you can come up with.......but first you must have some connection to them....i really-really love you "A".....i've always think of you...i'm ready to sacrifice anything for you...i'm ready to take the chances.....we do have something in common...and i hope we can stay together if we were to be together....
"ILOVEYOU".......is just three words...i don't intend on you to say it to me....i just want us to try,at least, to be something.....but what would you say afterwards... can we still be friends after that.........or will we go ahead.....
i hope you'll live happily and enjoy yourlife no matter what or who you like.......