Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dear someone....

for the past days, i've been listening to a compilation of the greatest hits from the FAB FOUR, or also known as the Beatles.. and because of some of the song, i've become JIWANG, EMO, Or Sentimental, and because i have suddenly aquired this feeling, i've become a victim to this cruel thing known as a crush.... it has been some time since i last have a crush on someone.... its a cruel feeling, that makes you feel like you just want her to know how you feel, and then maybe expect she would feel the same as you do... but it never is as one would think it would end.

i love her so, but she would never love me, a cruel thing, i would like to think, she knows i like her, but she just let me go....

this is how Emo i feel right now...
i've developed Feelings... something i thought would not happen to me considering my heartless condition.

i thought she would notice how i look at her, the way one would not look at any other person, the way someone that wants to see what her hearts says, the way that would want to fall in love with her , the way our eyes met, and how i fell for her.....

it really does feel shitty to know that you have a crush. a crush is what a schoolboy aged 7 would feel when he saw a girl he liked. it happened to me several times, but as i reached highschool, it all just became meaningless. so i dropped the whole cute boy act and became somewhat of a badass....not fully at first, but as a reached another period of time in highschool, when i was 15, freaky things happened, i lost my sense of morality, my sense of justice, my sense to do anything right, so i went with it, because it made me feel great. but somehow things happen for a reason, no girl would ever love someone who doesn't have a heart. i feel so heartless, and now i've grown a heart, and i have a crush on someone... i just hope she feels the same way or not, whichever it is, i hope this crush will move on quickly...

it hurts me so, that you don't understand how i feel, it hurts me just to know that i'm not him, it hurts me just to know, you are just my crush, and my love will somehow live on....


i love you my crush if you are reading this.....

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